Sam Platts is a certified Sex Addiction Therapist practicing in Alberta, Canada. He knows the world of addiction inside and out. In this episode he candidly shares his story of growing up in a troubled home, and finding addictive patterns early in his life. On his journey, he ended up in some very scary places.
Sam has emerged on the other side of his struggles and is now giving back to people in need. He has a deep knowledge of sex addiction and the therapeutic techniques for recovery. He shared with me some of the keys to recovery from sex addiction and other addictions.
Keys to recovery:
1. COME CLEAN – You have to bust yourself. Come out of the shadows, and in to the light. This is a necessary part of the process. You cannot recover in a vacuum.
2. ABSTINENCE – Learn what abstinence means for you and define it clearly.
3. COMMUNITY – Find one. Sharing in the story reduces the shame. When you connect with others, you gain the power to overcome your blocks. 12 step support groups are great for this.Get a counsellor, mentor, or sponsor.
4. MENTORSHIP – Get a counsellor, mentor, or sponsor.
5. INTIMACY – Allow the above to change you as you regain the ability to be intimate in your life.
You can reach Sam at
Resources for sex addicts:
Patrick Carnes’ book: Facing The Shadow
If you’re dealing with an addiction and want help, reach out for coaching, or join my Freedom From Addiction Online Program.