“How do I help my sister/uncle/friend with his/her addiction? How can I support them without ‘enabling’ them?”
I get this question all the time, and the answer isn’t simple, so I did a solocast to give this subject the long answer it deserves.
This podcast is for those of you who have a loved-one or a close friend who is struggling with an addiction.
Covered on this episode – How To Support Someone With An Addiction:
- How to assess how ready someone is to change their behavior
- Ways to support someone who isn’t yet contemplating quitting
- How to support someone who is ready to quit and make a change
- The balance of maintaining relationship while having boundaries
- Addiction as a physical, emotional, and spiritual illness
- Treating addiction from a “holistic” perspective
- The power of environment and social group on an addiction
- The power of “hitting bottom” and what it means and how it works
- Interventions and sharing honestly about how someone’s behaviour affects you
- Stacking factors in an intervention to create a breakthrough for an addict
- Ego and its relationship to addiction
- Group recovery and the power of recovering together
- The power of 12 step programs – Fellowship + Structured Spiritual Program
- Objections to the 12 step program and classic smoke-screens
- The core of recovery: Community that supports recovery + spiritual principles
- Healing trauma as a path to healing the addiction
- Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, Ibogane and other psychedelics for treating addiction and healing trauma.
- “The Environmental Cure” and changing location to start over
- How to leverage your relationship with someone to help them in crucial moments
Resources to explore:
Dr. McCauley’s presentation as addiction as a dis-ease
If you liked this episode, check out these related ones:
Recover from Addiction & THRIVE
The Addiction Doctor Using IV Therapy To Heal Addicts
If you’re dealing with an addiction and want help, reach out for coaching.