Mike Muscari joins me for a discussion about purpose. We talk about how to cut a path in your life that is aligned with your heart’s desire and your mission in the world.
In a world of infinite choice and many voices telling us what we should do, it is all too common to feel lost and directionless in our pursuit of purpose. The process of peeling away the “Shoulds” that have been placed on us by society is not easy. Mike has created a program to guide regular people through the process of uncovering and aligning with their purpose, so they can live an aligned life of fulfillment.
On this episode we cover:
Mike’s personal story of finding success as a financial advisor, and the transformation that followed.
The mid-life crisis that comes as a result of pursuing the illusion of success
The power of writing down your goals and dreams
Personal Development – learning about who you really are
Creating purpose for your life will create a ripple of change
The fear of change and our tendency to stay safe
How to use a “faith-based approach” to address fear
Purpose = Not what do you want to do, but WHO do you want to be in the world?
Using your purpose to guide your choices
Choosing the meaning for everything that happens in your life
Inside-out approach VS an outside in approach
The Purpose Method – uncovering one’s deepest values
How to ask the right questions to reveal the themes that point to your purpose
Resources in creating your own Purpose Constitution
The purpose of the purpose method – Uncovering your highest and deepest values so you can live without regrets
Creating a statement that guides your life
Mike’s upcoming trip across North America to interview people about purpose
Books and resources from this show
17 Principles Of Success – by Napoleon Hill
Mike’s Links
Instagram @ThePurposeMethod
Mike’s (amazing) Lyposomal Vitamin Company – Nano Nutra
If you enjoyed this episode, check out these:
Find Your Unique Gift and Fulfill Your Dreams – w/ Jordan Gray
Change Your Habits – Change Your Life
Article: 10 Rules For Success In Unleashing Your Unique Gift